How can you pay in our online shop?

We offer the following payment methods in our online shop:

Pay with credit card

We accept the following credit cards:

  • Mastercard
  • Visa
  • American Express 
  • Diners Club 

In addition, we also support the 3D-Secure technologies "Verified by Visa" and "Mastercard Secure Code". Find more information about this on the Card Complete or Paylife website.

Screenshot: Pay with credit card


If you have chosen the option PayPal you will be redirected to PayPal after your click "place order now". There you have to login and verify the payment. After this you will be sent back to the Zotter Website and you can see your order confirmation.


Pay via online banking (EPS)

The following major banks are supported:

Bank AustriaBawag/PSK
Erste Bank/SparkasseRaiffeisen
VolksbankHypo Steiermark
Bank für Ärzte und freie Berufe     Hypo Tirol
Österreichische Apothekerbank         Hypo Niederösterreich

Further supported banks (overview)

More information about the EPS online payment system:

This payment method is only available for Austrian banks.

Screenshot: EPS online banking

Pay via Klarna SOFORT

Klarna SOFORT is a payment provider that internationally supports a growing number of participating banks.

This payment method is available in Austria, Germany, Switzerland as well as in the following countries:

  • Belgium
  • Czech Republic
  • Finland
  • France
  • Hungary
  • Italy
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Slovakia
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • United Kingdom
Screenshot: Klarna Sofort

Payment after invoice

Payment after invoice is only possible for business clients holding a valid VAT-ID.

Screenshot: Payment after invoice